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Terms and Conditions
For MasRefund™ Tax Preparation Services
Thank you for selecting the Services offered by MasRefund™ and / or its subsidiaries and affiliates (referred to as “MasRefund™ “, “we”, “our”, or “us”). Review these Terms and Conditions (“Agreement”) thoroughly. This Agreement is a legal agreement between you and MasRefund™. Selecting “I Agree,” indicates acceptance electronically, or installing, accessing or using the Services, you agree to this Agreement. If you do not agree to this Agreement, then you may not use the Services.
User’s Representations and Warranties
I represent and warrant that: By virtue of utilizing any API Products, I consent to and accept any risk associated with MasRefund™ sharing of Personal Information with any API Licensee and shall not hold MasRefund™ , its Affiliates, or their respective officers, directors, or employees responsible for any Losses resulting from the sharing of such Personal Information. I agree that My use of any API Products or API Licensee’s content, information, technology, or functionality is at My own risk. I agree That MasRefund™ May revoke any API or API Licensee Products’ authorization at any time, for any reason, with or without cause and without prior notice to me. Electronic Signatures; Modifications to the Agreement. I agree to transact business with MasRefund™ electronically. By electronically signing an application for an Account, I acknowledge and agree that such electronic signature is valid evidence of My consent to be legally bound by this Agreement and such subsequent terms as may govern the use of MasRefund™ services. The use of an electronic version of any document fully satisfies any requirement that the document be provided to Me in writing. I accept notice by electronic means as reasonable and proper notice, for the purpose of any and all laws, rules and regulations. I acknowledge and agree that MasRefund™ Financial may modify this Agreement from time to time and I agree to consult the Website from time to time for the most up-to-date Agreement. The electronically stored copy of this Agreement is considered to be the true, complete, valid, authentic and enforceable record of the Agreement, admissible in judicial or administrative proceedings to the same extent as if the documents and records were originally generated and maintained in printed form . I agree to not contest the admissibility or enforceability of MasRefund’s Financial electronically stored copy of the Agreement.
Electronic Delivery System
I acknowledge that MasRefund’s™ primary methods of communication with Me include
(A) posting information on the Website,
(B) providing information via the App,
(C) sending email (s) to My email address of record, and, to the extent required by law,
(D) providing Me with notice (s) that will direct Me to the App or the Website where I can read and print such information. Unless otherwise required by law, MasRefund™ reserves the right to post Account Documents on the Website without providing notice to Me.
Further, MasRefund™ reserves the right to send Account Documents to My postal or email address of record, or via the App or Website. I agree that all Account Documents provided to Me in any of the foregoing manner is considered delivered to Me personally when sent or posted by MasRefund™ , whether I receive it or not. All e-mail notifications regarding Account Documents will be sent to My e-mail address of record. I agree to maintain the e-mail address that I have provided MasRefund™ until I provide MasRefund™ with a new one. I understand that e-mail messages may fail to transmit promptly or properly, including being delivered to SPAM folders. I further understand that it is My sole responsibility to ensure that any emails from MasRefund™ or its Affiliates are not marked as SPAM. Regardless of whether or not I receive an e-mail notification, I agree to check the Website regularly to avoid missing any information, including time sensitive or otherwise important communication. If I authorize someone else to access the e-mail account I have provided MasRefund™ , I agree to tell them to share the Account Documents with Me promptly, and I accept the risk that they will see My sensitive information. I understand that if I use a work e-mail address or computing or communications device, My employer or other employees may have access to the Account Documents. Additionally, I acknowledge that the Internet is not a secure network and agree that I will not send any confidential information, including Account numbers or passwords, in any unencrypted e-mails. I also understand that communications transmitted over the Internet may be accessed by unauthorized or unintended third parties and agree to hold MasRefund™ , its Affiliates, and MasRefund™ and its Affiliates’ respective officers and employees harmless for any such access regardless of the cause. I agree to promptly and carefully review all Account Documents when they are delivered and notify MasRefund™ Financial in writing within five (5) calendar days of delivery if I object to the information provided (or other such time specified herein). If I fail to object in writing within such time, MasRefund™ Financial is entitled to treat such information as accurate and conclusive. I will contact MasRefund™ to report any problems with accessing the Account Documents.
Costs: Potential costs associated with electronic delivery of Account Documents may include charges from Internet access providers and telephone companies, and I agree to bear these costs. MasRefund™ will not charge Me additional online access fees for receiving electronic delivery of Account Documents.
Archival. Upon My request, I may obtain copies of up to five (5) prior years of tax statements.
Duration of Consent
My consent to receive electronic delivery of Account Documents will be effective immediately and will remain in effect unless and until either I or MasRefund™ revokes it. I understand that it may take up to three (3) Business Days to process a revocation of consent to electronic delivery, and that I may receive electronic notifications until such consent is processed.
Hardware and Software Requirements. I understand that in order to receive electronic deliveries, I must have access to a computer or Mobile Device with Internet access, a valid e-mail address, and the ability to download such applications as MasRefund™ may specify and to which I have access. I also understand that if I wish to download, print, or save any information I wish to retain, I must have access to a printer or other device in order to do so.
Consent and Representations. I hereby agree that I have carefully read the above information regarding informed consent to electronic delivery and fully understand the implications thereof. Additionally, I hereby agree to all conditions outlined above with respect to electronic delivery of any Account Document. I will maintain a valid e-mail address and continue to have access to the Internet. If My e-mail address changes, I agree to MasRefund™. Immediately notify of my new e-mail address in writing.
If any provisions or conditions of this Agreement are or become inconsistent with any present or future law, rule, or regulation of any applicable government, regulatory or self-regulatory agency or body, or are deemed invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such provisions shall be deemed rescinded or modified, to the extent permitted by applicable law, to make this Agreement in compliance with such law, rule or regulation, or to be valid and enforceable, but in all other respects, this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.
Website Postings
I agree and understand that MasRefund™ may post other specific agreements, disclosures, policies, procedures, terms, and conditions that apply to My use of the App, the Website, or My Account on the Website (“Website Postings”). I understand that it is My continuing obligation to understand the terms of the Website Postings, and I agree to be bound by the Web Postings as are in effect at the time of My use.
Entirety of Agreement
This Agreement, any attachments hereto, other agreements and policies referred to in this Agreement (including the Website Postings), and the terms and conditions contained in My Account statements and confirmations, contain the entire agreement between MasRefund™ and Me and supersede all prior or contemporaneous communications and proposals, whether electronic, oral, or written, between MasRefund™ and Me, provided, however, that any and all other agreements between MasRefund™ and Me, not inconsistent with this Agreement, will remain in full force and effect.
MasRefund™ May at any time without prior amend esta Agreement to notice me. The current version of the Agreement will be posted on the Website and My continued Account activity after such amendment constitutes My agreement to be bound by all then-in-effect amendments to the Agreement, regardless of whether I have actually reviewed them. Continued use of the App, the Website or any other MasRefund™ services after such posting will constitute My acknowledgment and acceptance of such amendment. I agree to regularly consult the Website for up-to-date information about MasRefund™ and any modifications to this Agreement. MasRefund™ is not bound by any verbal statements that seek to amend the Agreement.
MasRefund™ may terminate this Agreement, or close, deactivate, or block access to My Account at any time in its sole discretion. I will remain liable to MasRefund™ for all obligations incurred in My Account, pursuant to this Agreement, or otherwise, whether arising before or after termination. I may terminate this Agreement after paying any obligations owed upon written notice. This Agreement survives termination of My Account. When my subscription is canceled, I will no longer be billed. Once my subscription is canceled my benefits will result in a loss of + benefits to include, but not limited to: year-round access to your tax return submission storage, saving time on next year’s tax return, free filing for next year’s return with continuing enrollment, rolling 7 years of tax return submission storage, quarterly W4 checkup, year-round tax news you can use, and early peak at new product and service offerings.
Assistance by MasRefund™
I understand that when I request assistance from MasRefund™ or its employees in using the tax preparation and filing tools available on the Website or the App, it will be limited to an explanation of the tool’s functionality and, if requested by Me, to the entry by MasRefund™ or its employees of variables provided by Me, and that such assistance does not constitute investment advice, an opinion with respect to the suitability of any transaction, or solicitation of any orders.
No Tax or Legal Advice. I understand that MasRefund™ does not provide tax or legal advice.
Electronic Access
I am solely responsible for keeping My Account numbers and PINs confidential and will not share them with third parties. “PINs” shall mean My username and password. I agree and accept full responsibility for monitoring and safeguarding My Accounts and access to My Accounts. I agree to immediately notify MasRefund™ in writing, delivered via e-mail and a recognized international delivery service, if I become aware of: (i) any loss, theft, or unauthorized use of My PINs or Account numbers; (ii) any failure by Me to receive any communication from MasRefund™ indicating that my return was accepted or rejected by the IRS, as applicable; (iii) any failure by Me to receive an accurate written confirmation of an submission; (iv) any inaccurate information in or relating to My personal information, Filing Status, dependent information, personal information, account balances, deposits, withdrawals, or transaction history; or (vi) any other unauthorized use or access of My Account. Each of the events described in previous sections and subsections shall be deemed a “Potential Fraudulent Event”. The use and storage of any information including My Account numbers, PINs, portfolio information, transaction activity, account balances and any other information available on My wireless, web-enabled cellular telephone or similar wireless communications device (collectively, “Mobile Device”) or My personal computer is at My own risk and is My sole responsibility. I represent that I am solely responsible for and have authorized any orders or instructions appearing in, originating from, or associated with My Account, My Account number, My username and password, or PINs. I agree to notify MasRefund™ immediately after I discover any Potential Fraudulent Event, but in no event more than twenty-four (24) hours following discovery. Upon request by MasRefund™ , I agree to report any Potential Fraudulent Event promptly to legal authorities and provide MasRefund™ a copy of any report prepared by such legal authorities. I agree to cooperate fully with the legal authorities and MasRefund™ in any investigation of any Potential Fraudulent Event and I will complete any required affidavits promptly, accurately and thoroughly. I also agree to allow MasRefund™ access to My Mobile Device, My computer, and My network in connection with MasRefund’s investigation of any Potential Fraudulent Event. I understand that if I fail to do any of these things I may encounter delays in regaining access to the funds in My Account. I agree to indemnify and hold MasRefund™ , its Affiliates, and MasRefund™ and its Affiliates’ respective officers, directors, and employees harmless from and against any Losses arising out of or relating to any Potential Fraudulent Event. I acknowledge that MasRefund™ does not know when a person entering orders with My username and password is Me. Trusted Contact Person. I acknowledge that MasRefund™ does not know when a person entering orders with my username and password is Me, Trusted Contact Person. I acknowledge that MasRefund™ does not know when a person entering orders with My username and password is Me. Trusted Contact Person.
Important Information Needed to Open a New Account
To help the government better detect the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account. Therefore, I understand that when I open My Account MasRefund™ will ask for My name, address, date of birth and other identifying information. MasRefund™ may also ask copies of My driver’s license, passport or other identifying documents. I understand that MasRefund™ may take steps to verify the accuracy of the information I provide to MasRefund™ in My Account application or otherwise, and that MasRefund™ may restrict My access to My Account pending such verification. I will provide prompt notification to MasRefund™ of any changes in the information including My name, address, e-mail address and telephone number. I further understand that if I attempt to access My Account from a jurisdiction subject to certain US sanctions or I am ordinarily resident in such a jurisdiction, or if you reasonably believe that I am attempting such access or have become a resident in such a jurisdiction, you may restrict My Account, and any pending orders may be canceled. If this happens, I understand that I should contact, and that I may be asked to provide supplemental information as part of this process. I further understand that I must close My Account before establishing residency in any jurisdiction subject to US sanctions. sanctions or I am ordinarily resident in such a jurisdiction, or if you reasonably believe that I am attempting such access or have become a resident in such a jurisdiction, you may restrict My Account, and any pending orders may be canceled. If this happens, I understand that I should contact, and that I may be asked to provide supplemental information as part of this process. I further understand that I must close My Account before establishing residency in any jurisdiction subject to US sanctions. Telephone Conversations and Electronic Communications. I understand and agree that MasRefund™ may record and monitor any telephone or electronic communications with Me. Unless otherwise agreed in writing in advance, MasRefund™ does not consent to the recording of telephone conversations by any third party or Me. I acknowledge and understand that not all telephone or electronic communications are recorded by MasRefund™ , and MasRefund™ does not guarantee that recordings of any particular telephone or electronic communications will be retained or capable of being retrieved.
Waiver; Limitation of Liability; Indemnification
I agree that My use of the App or the Website or any other service provided by MasRefund™ or its Affiliates is at My sole risk. The MasRefund™ service (including the App, the Website, the provision of Information, Content, or any other information provided by MasRefund™ , any of its Affiliates, or any third-party content provider or market data provider) is provided on an “as is , “” as available “basis without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, statutory (including without limitation, timeliness, truthfulness, sequence, completeness, accuracy, freedom from interruption), implied warranties arising from trade usage, course of dealing, course of performance, or the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or application, other than those warranties which are implied by and incapable of exclusion, restriction or modification under the laws applicable to this Agreement. Although considerable effort is expended to make the Website, App and other operational and communications channels available around the clock, MasRefund™ does not warrant that these channels will be available and error free every minute of the day. I agree that MasRefund™ will not be responsible for temporary interruptions in service due to maintenance, Website or App changes, or failures, nor shall MasRefund™ be liable for extended interruptions due to failures beyond our control, including but not limited to the failure of interconnecting and operating systems, computer viruses, forces of nature, labor disputes and armed conflicts. EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY PROVIDED IN THIS AGREEMENT, EVEN IF ANY MasRefund™ PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OR WAS AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LOSS OR DAMAGES. THE MasRefund™ PARTIES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE BY REASON OF DELAYS OR INTERRUPTIONS OF THE SERVICE OR TRANSMISSIONS, OR FAILURES OF PERFORMANCE OF THEIR RESPECTIVE SYSTEMS, REGARDLESS OF CAUSE, INCLUDING THOSE CAUSED BY GOVERNMENTAL OR REGULATORY ACTION, OR OTHER SELFORMANCE OR THOSE REGULATORFT REGULATOR OR HARDWARE MALFUNCTIONS. Except as otherwise provided by law, MasRefund™ or any of its affiliates or respective partners, officers, directors, employees or agents (collectively, “Indemnified Parties”) shall not be liable for any expenses, losses, costs, damages, liabilities, demands, debts, obligations, penalties, charges, claims, causes of action, penalties, fines and taxes of any kind or nature (including legal expenses and attorneys’ fees) (whether known or unknown, absolute or contingent, liquidated or unliquidated, direct or indirect, due or to become due, accrued or not accrued, asserted or unasserted, related or not related to a third party claim, or otherwise) (collectively, “Losses”) by or with respect to any matters pertaining to My Account, except to the extent that such Losses are actual Losses and are determined by a court of competent jurisdiction or an arbitration panel in a final non-appealable judgment or order to have resulted solely from MasRefund’s or any of its affiliates’ gross negligence or intentional misconduct. In addition, I agree that the Indemnified Parties shall have no liability for, and I agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Indemnified Parties from all Losses that result from: (i) any noncompliance by Me with any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement; (ii) any third-party actions related to My receipt and use of any Information, Market Data, Content, market analysis, other third-party content, or other such information obtained on the App or Website, whether authorized or unauthorized under this Agreement ; (iii) any third party actions related to My use of the App or the Website; (iv) My or My agent’s misrepresentation or alleged misrepresentation, or act or omission; (v) Indemnified Parties following My or My agent’s directions or instructions, or failing to follow My or My agent’s unlawful or unreasonable directions or instructions; (vi) any activities or services of the Indemnified Parties in connection with My Account (including any technology services, reporting, trading, research or capital introduction services); or (vii) the failure by any person not controlled by the Indemnified Parties and their affiliates to perform any obligations to Me. Further, if I authorize or allow third parties to gain access to MasRefund’s services, including My Accounts, I will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Indemnified Parties against any Losses arising out of claims or suits by such third parties based upon or relating to such access and use. MasRefund™ does not warrant against loss of use or any direct, indirect or consequential damages or Losses to Me caused by My assent, expressed or implied, to a third party accessing My Account or information, including access provided through any other third party systems or sites . I consent to the use of automated systems or service bureaus by MasRefund™ and its respective affiliates in conjunction with My Account, including automated order entry and execution, record keeping, reporting and account reconciliation and risk management systems (collectively “Automated Systems”).I understand that the use of Automated Systems entails risks, such as interruption or delays of service, errors or omissions in the information provided, system failure and errors in the design or functioning of such Automated Systems (collectively, a “System Failure”) that could cause substantial damage, expense, or liability to Me. I understand and agree that Indemnified Parties will have no liability whatsoever for any of my Losses arising out of or relating to a System Failure. I also agree that Indemnified Parties will have no responsibility or liability to Me in connection with the performance or non-performance by any exchange, clearing organization, market data provider, or other third party (including other broker-dealers and clearing firms, and banks ) or any of their respective agents or affiliates, of its or their obligations relative to any securities. I agree that Indemnified Parties will have no liability, to Me or to third parties, or responsibility whatsoever for: (i) any Losses resulting from a cause over which Indemnified Parties do not have direct control, including the failure of mechanical equipment, unauthorized access , theft, operator errors, government restrictions, force majeure (as defined in this Agreement), market data availability or quality, exchange rulings or suspension of trading; and (ii) any special, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages (including lost profits, trading losses and damages) that I may incur in connection with My use of the App, the Website, MasRefund’s brokerage, and other services provided by Indemnified Parties under this Agreement.
ACH Transactions
A. Debit Transactions. MasRefund™ will initiate an ACH debit at My request to debit funds from an account that I own at another financial institution (“External Account”) for deposit into My Account. I understand that in order for MasRefund™ to initiate an ACH debit, the financial institution holding my External Account must participate in the ACH system. I understand that for the ACH transfers to be established, at least one common name must match exactly between My Account and My External Account. I authorize MasRefund™ to take such steps as it deems appropriate to verify my ownership of External Account, including by telling the bank at which such External Account is held that I have authorized and consented to such bank disclosing to MasRefund™ any information that MasRefund™ may request about Me or My External Account. I also agree to cooperate with MasRefund‘s verification of my ownership of such External Account by promptly providing any identification and / or other documentation that MasRefund™ may request regarding such External Account. I represent and warrant that there are sufficient funds in My External Account to cover the amount of the deposit to My Account. MasRefund™ will initiate the ACH debit to My External Account on the Business Day or next Business Day after I request the transfer. A transfer request will be deemed to have been made on a Business Day if it is received by MasRefund™ by 7:00 pm (Eastern Time) on such Business Day; if received after that time, the transfer request will be deemed to have been made on the next Business Day. Within 60 days of the date of My ACH deposit, My funds may only be withdrawn to the External Account from which such funds were debited. I understand that an ACH debit transfer may be reversed or rejected if: (A) there are insufficient funds in My External Account; (B) there is a duplicate transaction;(C) the transaction is denied by the bank holding My External Account; or (D) My External Account does not support ACH transfers. I acknowledge that in the event of an ACH reversal, I will incur a fee. Before initiating making an ACH debit transfer, I agree to check MasRefund‘s most recent Commissions and Fees Schedule. I agree that I am solely liable and responsible for any ACH reversal fees that I incur. B. Credit Transactions. MasRefund™ will initiate an ACH credit at My request to transfer funds from My Account to a recipient that I designate. I agree that I will have sufficient Available Funds in My Account to cover the amount of any ACH credit that I ask MasRefund™ to initiate. MasRefund™ will debit the amount of such a request from My Account on the Business Day or next Business Day after I request the transfer. A transfer request will be deemed to have been made on a Business Day if it is received by MasRefund™ on such Business Day; if received after that time, the transfer request will be deemed to have been made on the next Business Day. I agree that MasRefund™ may use any means which MasRefund™ , in its sole discretion, considers suitable to execute my ACH credit transfers. MasRefund™ will debit the amount of such a request from My Account on the Business Day or next Business Day after I request the transfer. A transfer request will be deemed to have been made on a Business Day if it is received by MasRefund™ on such Business Day; if received after that time, the transfer request will be deemed to have been made on the next Business Day. I agree that MasRefund™ may use any means which MasRefund™ , in its sole discretion, considers suitable to execute my ACH credit transfers. MasRefund™ will debit the amount of such a request from My Account on the Business Day or next Business Day after I request the transfer. A transfer request will be deemed to have been made on a Business Day if it is received by MasRefund™ on such Business Day; if received after that time, the transfer request will be deemed to have been made on the next Business Day. I agree that MasRefund™ may use any means which MasRefund™ , in its sole discretion, considers suitable to execute my ACH credit transfers.
We reserve the right to update this Cancellation Policy at our discretion. Any changes will be effective upon posting the revised Policy on the App. Your continued use of the App after such changes will constitute your acceptance of the revised Policy.
Contact Information:
RefundWiz, Inc.
311 New Bern Avenue, Raleigh, N.C. 27601
Effective Date: 1.1.2024
By using the App, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
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