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The fastest and easiest tax filing solution.
Take advatage of our cutting-edge technology or get the velvet-glove treatment from one of our RefundWizard!
(no dependents)

Full AI Technology
MásRefund is the first tax filing app using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to prepare your tax return accurately.

Easy to understand Spanglish. No IRS lingo. Ideal for Gen-Z and Millennials.

100% mobile solution
We feel you! You want to file taxes when you want to... On the fly... Not sit in front of a laptop. Not get baited into free filing only to find out you gotta pay. And sure as heck don't wanna go to a tax office or go to your parents. Your money is your business. Now filing is too!

We don't have access to your data. It's encrypted and our algorithm takes care of the rest.
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